
Tell me something about your story prior to Reconciliation Services. Well I had a drug problem, and I had lost my children. I had lost everything. I was a desperate person when I came to RS.

They gave me a Case Manager and she was the greatest thing that happened to me. I was giving up, but as I worked with her, hope came into my life. She was an advocate for me and helped me regain custody of my children. All the people in RS saw good in me, that helped me see good in myself and that changed everything. They wrote letters to the judge and, as I worked hard in the program, they wrote letters about my recovery—the steps I was going through and the progress I was making. Now I have custody of my son who is one of the most important people in my life. RS gave me the tools to where I could accomplish something. I used to start things and would never finish them. Now I finish what I start!

What would you say to someone in a similar situation to you? If you have a burning desire to change, you can change. You can get support and with hard work make a different life. There is hope.

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Story: Lyn Morse-Brown
Photo credit: Kevin Bryce